It effectively applies the same cooldown to all those that it shares cooldown with. Contents Shared cooldown A shared cooldown is when some spell, item or ability prevents usage of certain others while it is cooling down. The term cooldown can also refer to an ability with a long cooldown for example, Save your cooldowns for boss fights. This is not the, and usually the cast time of a spell or ability is longer than the global cooldown, which means you can begin your next spell immediately after the cast is finished. You will not be allowed to cast another spell for the duration of the cooldown period. The time it takes to recharge after a spell has been cast or an ability or item power has started being used.Sometimes referred to by the pseudo-acronym 'CD'. Cara Download Aplikasi Berbayar Di App Store Tanpa Jailbreak. The term cooldown is defined as a period of wait time before a, or can be used after a prior spell, ability, or item power.